Future plans

obsinfo v0.111

All of this are “issues” on the gitlab site. All will require changes to input files (major change)

Replace “network” with “subnetwork”

Avoid confusion with FDSN network, more compatible with concept of multiple facilities/deployments possibly composing an FDSN network

Bring instrument modifiers under station:instrumentation

And allow instrumentation-level configuration by adding modifications and config fields.

  • This could also just be equipment_modifications as I think equipment is all that is modified

  • serial_number is shorthand for ` (serial_number is in equipment), or maybe keep it as a shorthand for equipment_modifications {serial_number: }: declaring both should be considered an error (can it be done in the schema file?)


     {$ref: "xxx.instrumentation.yaml"}
serial_number: string
channel_modifications: object


    base: {$ref: "xxx.instrumentation.yaml"}
    serial_number: string
    config: string
    modifications: {equipment: object of equipment parameters to change}
    channel_modifications: object


    base: {$ref: "xxx.instrumentation.yaml"}
    serial_number: string
    config: string
    equipment_modifications: object of equipment parameters to change
    channel_modifications: object

Make “person” fields compatible with StationXML Person

Currently “author”, change to “person”


first_name: string
last_name: string
institution: string
email: string
phones: array of strings or [country_code, area_code, phone_number] objects


name: string
agency: string
email: string
phone: string or [country_code, area_code, phone_number] objects

Make uncertainties into objects with measurement_method

Currently, azimuth.deg and dip.deg are 2-element arrays of number or null, with the first value being the value and the second the uncertainty, e.g.:

azimuth.deg: [90, 5]
dip.deg: [0, 1]

Change them to be objects with the possible attributes specifed in the `StationXML Documetation<http://docs.fdsn.org/projects/stationxml/en/latest/reference.html#azimuth>`_:

azimuth: {value.deg: 90, uncert.deg: 5, measurement_method: "Ppol"}
dip: {value.deg: 0, uncert.deg: 1, measurement_method: "Ppol"}

only value.deg should be required.

Should probably enable this for all fields that are defined as “FloatType” in the 1.1 XML schema:

  • WaterLevel (units=m)

  • ClockDrift (units=s?)

  • Response:Amplitude (no units, specifed elsewhere?)

  • Response:Phase (units=deg)

  • Response:Frequency (units=Hz)

  • Decimation:InputSampleRate (units=Hz)

  • PzTransferFunctionType:NormalizationFrequency (units=Hz)

  • ApproximationType:FrequencyLowerBound (units=Hz)

  • ApproximationType:FrequencyUpperBound (units=Hz)

  • Decimation:Delay (units=s)

  • Decimation:Correction (units=s)

  • DipType (units=deg)

  • Depth (units=m)

  • SampleRate (units=sps)

But allow value-only shortcut definitions, in which case uncert and measurement_method will be set to null, for exampe WaterLevel.m: 0, ClockDrift.s: 1e-10 and so on…

Latitude.deg Longitude.deg and Elevation.m are special cases for which the uncertainties and measurement method can be separately specified, as is currently the case.

Or should I allow a separate _uncert variable for each field, in case they are the same for all instances (would only be inserted if the value was otherwise null)?

Perhaps have special uncertainties and measurement_methods objects that defined default uncertainties:

uncertainties: {lat.m: 100, lon.m: 100, elevation.m: 10}
measurement_methods: {lat: "acoustic survey", lon: "acoustic survey", elevation: "acoustic survey", azimuth: "Ppol"}

for which I should probably keep the separation of uncertainties, measurement method and values

Remove intrumentation:operator field from schema

Already does nothing, but I kept it there to avoid breaking existing files

Make “operator” conform to StationXML standard

Currently flat:

    reference_name:  # Just for link with campaign file, not StationXML
    full_name:   # Change to "agency"
    contact:    # Currently just a person's name

Should be

    reference_name:  # Just for link with campaign file, not StationXML

The contact is a Person type and so can just be loaded from an “author” file (change “authors” to “persons”)

StationXML errors to fix in new version 0.111

The following errors, originally 6.3, 6.4, 8, 9, 10 and 12 in issue #3, will be addressed in v0.111. Most require a new version, because we will need to add a base field to the instrumentation object in order to bring station serial number and channel_modifications into this object:

  1. No Serial Number shown for Station/Equipment

  2. LS5a is listed as 125 sps even though the network file says 62.5 sps

And the following (possibly derived) errors:

  1. Channel

    1. Sensor serial number is given as “32793N” (direct from instrumentation files, doesn’t take into account OBS serial number)

  2. Preamp/Datalogger/Equipment have no Serial Number

Moreover, I have to decide how to specify instrumentation-level serial numbers and configurations. Should I imitate channel_modifications with and instrumentation_modifications (or just modifications?) field, or should I allow specific common fields such as serial_number and instrumentation_configuration (or configuration)?

Other bugs that I didn’t fix in v0.110.12:

  1. Channel

    1. Sensor

      1. Has installation date, removal date and three calibration dates, all after expt (Trillium T240)

    2. PreAmplifier

      1. BBOBS gain card description is not specific enough (1x? 0.225x?)

  2. No Comment (or field) saying how the station was located

  3. Equipment description does not include configuration-specific information (need configuration_description field?)

Should also make all tests work and maybe put my own tests back in

Generalize base-configuration-modification

schema files currently have no means to be configured (or modified?).

One solution would be to add to this level.

Another would to allow base, configuration and modification fields at any level: if “base” is specified, then configuration and or modification can be put at the same level.