obsinfo.misc package

obsinfo.misc.configuration module

class obsinfo.misc.configuration.Singleton(cls)

Bases: object

Class to implement singleton pattern design in Python


obsinfo.misc.const module

Exit values as constants as per UNIX BSD standard

obsinfo.misc.discoveryfiles module

class obsinfo.misc.discoveryfiles.Datapath(datapath=None)

Bases: object

Class to discover where information files are stored.


directories where information files will be searched, in sequence


list of str


same as datapath_list, used by validate, kept for compatibility


list of str


one unique path to validation schemas



static add_frag(path, frag)

Add the path and the frag to restore a partial or complete uri

  • path (str) – path portion of uri, possibly with other elements but without frag

  • frag (str) – fragment portion of uri


(str)L path with frag


Create list of directories which may have data or schemas

  1. If the file path is absolute, return the file itself.

  2. If path starts by ./ or ../ complete to an absolute path using working directory

  3. If the file has no prefix discover whether file exists in the datapath list. Use the first found file.


file (str or path) – filename of file to be found


found file as string



obsinfo.misc.printobs module

Functions to print obsinfo objects

class obsinfo.misc.printobs.PrintObs

Bases: object

Collection of methods to print obsinfo objects at different levels of depth. All methods are static.

static print_component(obj, level='all')

Prints comoponent information and continues if level is not “component” or “channel”.

If level is not “channel” detailed equipment information is not printed.


level (str) – determines to which level the obsinfo object will be printed

static print_instrumentation(obj, level='all')

Prints instrumentation information and continues if level is not “instrumentation”.

If level is “response” or “all” response stages information will be printed (if it exists). Recall at this point all the response is gathered in instrument.stages.sgates If level is “all” or “filter” (i.e. not “response”) all information will be printed (only filter is left at this point…)


level (str) – determines to which level the obsinfo object will be printed

static print_network(obj, level='all')

Prints network information and continues if level is not “network”.


level (str) – determines to which level the obsinfo object will be printed

static print_station(obj, level='all')

Prints station information and continues if level is not “station”.


level (str) – determines to which level the obsinfo object will be printed

obsinfo.misc.remoteGitLab module

class obsinfo.misc.remoteGitLab.gitLabFile

Bases: object

Provide the methods to use the gitlab API to read a remote file and decode it

static get_gitlab_file(uri, read_file=True)

Get the file content pointed at by uri and decode it.

Uses b64 first to get the remote file and convert to a byte string, and then utf-8 to convert to regular string.

  • uri (string or path-like) – uri to read

  • (bool) (read_file) – If true, reads the content. If not, simply checks if the file exists


read content

Return type


Raises: FileNotFoundError, ValueError

static isRemote(file)

Checks if scheme means file is remote.


file (str) – filename to be checked, with complete uri


boolean. True if remote, False otherwise

obsinfo.misc.yamlref module

Module to read and parse YAML or JSON files, locally or remotely (gitlab only)

jsonref with YAML reading added.

copied directly from jsonref v0.2, with added routines _yaml_load and _yaml_loads replacing json.load and json.loads Added/modified lines are marked “# WCC”

class obsinfo.misc.yamlref.JsonLoader(store=(), cache_results=True)

Bases: object

Provides a callable which takes a URI, and returns the loaded JSON referred to by that URI. Uses requests if available for HTTP URIs, and falls back to urllib. By default it keeps a cache of previously loaded documents.


  • store: pre-populated dictionary matching URIs to loaded JSON

    documents used as cache

  • cache_results (boolean): if this is set to false, the internal cache of

  • loaded JSON documents is not used

__init__(store=(), cache_results=True)
get_json_or_yaml(uri, **kwargs)

Open either a local file, if uri scheme is file or a remote one, calling a gitlab method which implements the gitlab API (version 4)

  • uri (path-like object, string or byte string) – The URI of the JSON or YAML document to load

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to json.loads()


dictionary of parsed YAML or JSON formats


FileNotFoundError, IOError, OSError

class obsinfo.misc.yamlref.JsonRef(refobj, base_uri='', loader=None, jsonschema=False, load_on_repr=True, _path=(), _store=None, datapath=None)

Bases: proxytypes.LazyProxy

A lazy loading proxy to the dereferenced data pointed to by a JSON Reference object.


  • __reference__: dictionary object referenced to by a $ref

  • base_uri: object of type Path which is used to build the full uri

  • loader: a loader object (a callable) such as JsonLoader , to load a JSON or YAML file/string

  • jsonschema = Flag to turn on JSON Schema mode

  • load_on_repr = If set to False, repr() call on a

    JsonRef object will not cause the reference to be loaded if it hasn’t already. (defaults to True)

  • path = list of string keywords: keywords of different $ref in lists or dictionaries

  • store = dictionary of cached objects used to prevent reading files over again

  • datapath = object of Datapath, stores directories to search for files

__init__(refobj, base_uri='', loader=None, jsonschema=False, load_on_repr=True, _path=(), _store=None, datapath=None)

Callback from proxytypes, LazyProxy.

Resolves the pointer (part of the dictionary read from the info file) that is incorporated instead of $ref. Updates base_uri


the fragment portion of the base_doc, which has already had its

$ref replaced.

property full_uri

This method/property returns the full uri to reference a $ref object. It’s the heart of how a datapath is used to either access a local or remote (gitlab) file. All schema files are supposed to be local, part of the obsinfo distribution


updated full uri



classmethod replace_refs(obj, _recursive=False, **kwargs)

Returns a deep copy of obj with all contained JSON reference objects replaced with JsonRef instances.

  • obj (JSONRef or collection`) – If a JSON reference object, a JsonRef instance will be created. If not, a deep copy of it will be created with all contained JSON reference objects replaced by JsonRef instances

  • recursive (bool) – Process $ref recursively

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to json.loads()


the information in $ref file

Return type

obj ():class:JsonRef)


TypeError, ValueError through JsonRef object creation

kwargs include:
base_uri (Path): URI to resolve relative references

against. Can be remote (https://) or local(file://) This is how datapath is implemented

datapath (Datapath): object to implement file

discovery in a list of directories

loader (loader object such as JsonLoader): Callable that

takes a URI and returns the parsed JSON (defaults to global jsonloader, a JsonLoader instance)

jsonschema (bool): Flag to turn on JSON Schema mode,

which means the file is a schema file. This makes ‘id’ keyword to change the base_uri for references contained within the object, such as $ref: ‘#/definitions’

load_on_repr (bool): If set to False, repr() call on a

JsonRef object will not cause the reference to be loaded if it hasn’t already. (defaults to True)

resolve_pointer(document, pointer)

Resolve a json pointer pointer within the referenced document.

  • document – the referent document

  • pointer (str) – a json pointer URI fragment to resolve within it


part of document dictionary pointed at by pointer

exception obsinfo.misc.yamlref.JsonRefError(message, reference, uri='', base_uri='', path=(), cause=None)

Bases: Exception

Create exception for JSONRef


  • message (str): message to print with exception

  • reference (str): reference where exception occurred

  • uri (str or path-like): uri of file being processed

  • base_uri: (str or path-like): base_uri (complement) of file being processed

  • path = list of string keywords: keywords of different $ref in lists or dictionaries

  • cause (str): cause of exception

__init__(message, reference, uri='', base_uri='', path=(), cause=None)
obsinfo.misc.yamlref.dump(obj, fp, **kwargs)

Serialize obj as a JSON formatted stream to file-like fp

JsonRef objects will be dumped as the original reference object they were created from.

  • obj – Object to serialize

  • fp (File-like object) –

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for json.dumps()

obsinfo.misc.yamlref.dumps(obj, **kwargs)

Serialize obj, which may contain JsonRef objects, to a JSON formatted string. JsonRef objects will be dumped as the original reference object they were created from.

  • obj – Object to serialize

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for json.dumps()


dumped string

obsinfo.misc.yamlref.load(fp, base_uri='', loader=None, jsonschema=False, load_on_repr=True, datapath=None, **kwargs)

Drop in replacement for json.load(), where JSON references are proxied to their referent data.

The difference between load and loads is that the first uses a file-like object and the second a string.

  • fp (File-like object) – File-like object containing JSON document

  • base_uri (object of type Path) – URI to resolve relative references against. Can be remote (https://) or local(file://) This is how datapath is implemented

  • datapath (object of type Datapath) – object to implement file discovery in a list of directories

  • loader (a loader object such as JsonLoader) – Callable that takes a URI and returns the parsed JSON (defaults to global jsonloader, a JsonLoader instance)

  • jsonschema (boolean) –

    Flag to turn on JSON Schema mode, which means the file is a schema file. This makes ‘id’ keyword to change the base_uri for references contained within the object, such as $ref: ‘#/definitions’

  • load_on_repr (boolean) – If set to False, repr() call on a:class:JsonRef object will not cause the reference to be loaded if it hasn’t already. (defaults to True)

  • kwargs (dict) – This function takes any of the keyword arguments from JsonRef.replace_refs(). Any other keyword arguments will be passed to _yaml_load()


dictionary of parsed YAML or JSON formats

obsinfo.misc.yamlref.load_uri(uri, base_uri=None, datapath=None, loader=None, jsonschema=False, load_on_repr=True)
Load JSON data from uri instead of file-like object or string.

with JSON references proxied to their referent data. Not used in obsinfo.

  • uri (string or path-like object) – URI to fetch the JSON from

  • base_uri (Path) – URI to resolve relative references against. Can be remote (https://) or local(file://) This is how datapath is implemented

  • datapath (Datapath) – object to implement file discovery in a list of directories

  • loader (loader object such as JsonLoader) – Callable that takes a URI and returns the parsed JSON (defaults to global jsonloader, a JsonLoader instance)

  • jsonschema (bool) –

    Flag to turn on JSON Schema mode, which means the file is a schema file. This makes ‘id’ keyword to change the base_uri for references contained within the object, such as $ref: ‘#/definitions’

  • load_on_repr (bool) – If set to False, repr() call on a class:JsonRef object will not cause the reference to be loaded if it hasn’t already. (defaults to True)


parsed YAML or JSON formats

Return type

newref (dict)

obsinfo.misc.yamlref.loads(s, base_uri='', loader=None, jsonschema=False, load_on_repr=True, datapath=None, recursive=True, **kwargs)

Drop in replacement for json.loads(), where JSON references are proxied to their referent data.

The difference between load and loads is that the first uses a file-like object and the second a string.

  • s (str) – Input JSON document

  • base_uri (Path) – URI to resolve relative references against. Can be remote (https://) or local(file://) This is how datapath is implemented

  • datapath (Datapath) – object to implement file discovery in a list of directories

  • loader (loader object such as JsonLoader) – Callable that takes a URI and returns the parsed JSON (defaults to global jsonloader, a JsonLoader instance)

  • jsonschema (bool) –

    Flag to turn on JSON Schema mode, which means the file is a schema file. This makes ‘id’ keyword to change the base_uri for references contained within the object, such as $ref: ‘#/definitions’

  • load_on_repr (bool) – If set to False, repr() call on a JsonRef object will not cause the reference to be loaded if it hasn’t already. (defaults to True)

  • kwargs (dict) – Any of the keyword arguments from JsonRef.replace_refs(). Any other keyword arguments will be passed to _yaml_load()


decoded JSON or YAML

Return type

dic (dict)