Setting up

The following are basic steps to install and confirm that everything is working


Note: DOES NOT (YET) WORK IN WINDOWS: use a Mac or Linux computer

  • Install obspy using their Conda Installation instructions

  • In your obspy environment, install obsinfo by typing pip install obsinfo

  • type pip list to confirm that your version is up-to-date (at least 0.111.1.post5)

More detailed instructions are in the Installation and Startup

Copy an example database into your own folder

  • Create a working directory

  • Go in there and run obsinfo-setup -d DATABASE

A subfolder named DATABASE will be created. Inside is a directory named Information_Files and under that are lots of subdirectories with obsinfo information files.

Create a StationXML file

Copy one of the network files from the DATABASE/ directory into your working directory:

cp DATABASE/Information_Files/subnetworks/EXAMPLE_essential.subnetwork.yaml .

Then run obsinfo-makeStationXML on it:

obsinfo-makeStationXML EXAMPLE_essential.subnetwork.yaml .

A file named “EXAMPLE_essential.station.xml” should be created

Test the other command-line codes

Try the following two lines, to make sure that the other command-line codes work:

obsinfo-validate EXAMPLE_essential.subnetwork.yaml
obsinfo-print EXAMPLE_essential.subnetwork.yaml