obsinfo.addons package

obsinfo.addons.LCHEAPO module

Write extraction script for LCHEAPO instruments (proprietary to miniseed)

obsinfo.addons.LCHEAPO.process_script(network_code, station, station_dir, distrib_dir, input_dir='.', output_dir='miniseed_basic', include_header=True)

Writes script to transform raw OBS data to miniSEED

  • network_code (str) – FDSN network_code

  • ( (station) – class: ~obsinfo.Station): the station to process

  • station_dir (str) – the base directory for the station data

  • distrib_dir (str) – directory where the lcheapo executables and property files are found

  • input_dir (str) – directory beneath station_dir for LCHEAPO data

  • output_dir (str) – directory beneath station_dir for basic miniseed]

  • include_header (bool) – include the header that sets up paths (should be done once)

obsinfo.addons.SDPCHAIN module

Generate scripts needed to go from basic miniSEED to data center ready

obsinfo.addons.SDPCHAIN.process_script(station, station_dir, distrib_dir='/opt/sdpchain', input_dir='miniseed_basic', corrected_dir='miniseed_corrected', extra_commands=None, include_header=True, SDS_uncorr_dir='SDS_uncorrected', SDS_corr_dir='SDS_corrected', SDS_combined_dir='SDS_combined')

Writes OBS data processing script using SDPCHAIN software

  • station – an obsinfo.station object

  • station_dir – base directory for the station data

  • input_dir – directory beneath station_dir for input (basic) miniseed data [‘miniseed_basic’]

  • corrected_dir – directory beneath station_dir for output (corrected) miniseed data [‘miniseed_corrected’]

  • SDS_corr_dir – directory beneath station_dir in which to write SDS structure of corrected data (ideally ../SOMETHING if ms2sds could write all to the same directory)

  • SDS_uncorr_dir – directory beneath station_dir in which to write SDS structure of uncorrected data (ideally ../SOMETHING if ms2sds could write all to the same directory)

  • include_header – whether or not to include the bash script header (‘#!/bin/bash’) at the top of the script [True]

  • distrib_dir – Base directory of sdpchain distribution [‘/opt/sdpchain’]

The sequence of commands is:
  1. optional proprietary format steps (proprietary format -> basic miniseed, separate)

  2. optional extra_steps (any cleanup needed for the basic miniseed data, should either overwrite the existing data or remove the original files so that subsequent steps only see the cleaned data)

  3. ms2sds on basic miniseed data

  4. leap-second corrections, if necessary

  5. msdrift (creates drift-corrected miniseed)

obsinfo.addons.LC2SDS module

Write a script to convert LCHEAPO data to SDS* using the lcheapo** python package

Includes clock drift and leap-second correction Script is a BASH shell script *SDS = SeisComp Data Structure **THE LCHEAPO PACKAGE DOES NOT CREATE DATA-CENTER QUALITY DATA:

  • drift correction is calculated for each day, not each record

  • does not set drift correction record header flags

  • does not fill in record header time_correction field

obsinfo.addons.LC2SDS.process_script(network_code, stations, station_data_path, input_dir='.', output_dir='../', include_header=True)

Writes script to transform raw OBS data to SeisComp Data Structure

  • network_code (str) – FDSN network_code

  • stations (list of Station) – the stations to process

  • station_data_path (str) – the base directory beneath the station data dirs

  • input_dir (str) – directory beneath station_dir for LCHEAPO data

  • output_dir (str) – directory beneath station_dir for SDS directory

  • include_header (bool) – include the header that sets up paths (should be done once)