
This is a stub.

Explain here the fundamentals of obsinfo coding:
  • Need to follow StationXML as much as possible
    • But to add other fields

    • And to eliminate redundancy

  • Correlation and non-correlation of classes to StationXML objects and why

  • How an obsinfo file is parsed to obtain an obspy Network object
    • Including non-standard field stuffing into comments.


explain how to write __str__(self, indent=0, n_subclasses=0)

Verify reading of attributes_dict

values in attributes_dicts should be “popped” and the final attributes_dict verified empty to be sure that all inputs are processed (mostly a debugging process).

For now I’m just doing so on a class-by-class basis, should I write a helper function to do it everywhere (might have to be able to say where it was called from in case of error).

Wrote a helper function to verify that a dictionary is empty and, if not, to state in which calling function it was not.

For example:

def __init__(self, attributes_dict, higher_modifs={}): = Equipment(base_dict.pop(‘equipment’, None)) self.configuration = base_dict.pop(‘configuration’, None) self.configuration_description = base_dict.pop(‘configuration_description’, self.configuration) seed_dict = self.base_dict.pop(‘seed_codes’, {}) self.seed_band_base_code = seed_dict.get(‘band_base’, None) self.seed_instrument_code = seed_dict.get(‘instrument’, None) self._clear_base_dict()


def _clear_base_dict(self):
if len(self.base_dict) > 0:
raise ValueError(‘base_dict has remaining keys: {}’


del self.base_dict
