

The full power of obsinfo is achieved using the base-configuration-modifications protocol. OBS are subject to many variations in configuration, including changes of components in the field. The aim of obsinfo is to have a relatively stable database of information files for instrumentation, but also to account for reassembling the in the field instrumentation, substituting stages and even whole components. This must be reflected in the metadata without compromising the stability of the instrumentation database. The way to do this is through the base-configuration-modifications nomenclature, which can change any attribute in the configuration, down to serial numbers or pole/zeros of filters at the channel level.

The configuration element allows pre-configured customization of instrumentation. It is also used to reduce repetition when specifying station locations and clock drifts.


datalogger, sensor and preamplifier elements all have the same structure and are specified at the same level. In the following, we refer to them collectively as instrument_components



All base-configuration-modifications elements can have these elements:

base: <file reference>
configuration: <string>
modifications: <element>

Only base is required

Max structure

Here are all the possible elements (you’ll never get them all together):

base: <file reference>
configuration: <string>
modifications: <element>
channel-modifications: <element>
response-modifications: <element>

The order of priority is: non-base > stage_modifications > channel-modifications > shortcuts > modifications > configuration > base

only base and the <non-base> elements (if they exist) are required

Each element explained


The base element defines the default parameters and optional configurations. It is generally located in another file and has the following structure:

<base-element1>: <element>
<base-element2>: <element>
configuration_default: <string>
        configuration_description: <string>

The values under the chose configuration will update the same elements in the base definition. This is a safe update: if, for example, a dictionary is entered, but not all of its elements, only the specified elements will be changed. Similarly, if an array is specified, only the corresponding indices will be changed, and only the specified elements within these corresponding indices. This gives a lot of flexibility: for example, if you have a 5-element stages array and you specify a 1-element stages array in the specified configuration, only the first element will be changed and only those specified subelements will be changed (this is useful for changing gains). Also, if you specify a 7-element stages array then two stages will be added, which is useful for dataloggers which have a different number of stages depending on the sampling rate. But, if you are intending to completely wipe out the existing stage information you have to provide a complete stage description, as anything left over will be retained. Also, there is no way to reduce the number of stages, so your default configuration should have the least number of stages possible.

It would be nice to allow the user to wipe out an existing set of stages, but I don’t know how to and keep the possibility of just changing a few values. Also, as there are no ``stage_modifications`` in ``configurations`` (and it would be complicated to add them) I don’t know how else to change a single value like “gain” in a single stage


Allows you to chose one of the configurations specified in the base element

“[config: configuration_description]” is appended to the end of:

  • equipment:description (for instrumentation, sensor, preamplifier and datalogger)

  • stage:name


The elements in modifications override elements specified in base . Under modifications the user can specify a complete hierarchy down to the lowest level. In general, only the value(s) specified will be modified. So if a “leaf” value is changed, such as gain value, only the gain value for a particular stage will be changed. If you want to replace the entire element, precede the key the character “^”. This is useful if you want to swap out a sensor, for example, without risking retaining some of the original sensor’s values/configurations. This only works with channel sub-elements: ^datalogger, ^sensor, ^orientation, ^preamplifier, ^identifiers, ^external_references, ^comments, ^extras


<non-base> elements are only specified at the top level, not in the base. These are values that we will ALWAYS want to specify in the subnetwork file. They are:

  • location:position

  • clock_correction_linear:start_sync_reference

  • clock_correction_linear:end_sync_reference

  • clock_correction_linear:end_sync_instrument


Shortcuts to commonly-changed parameters. Existing shortcuts are:














Limit modifications to selected channels. See channel_modifications for details.


Limit modifications to selected response stages. See stage_modifications for details.

elements using base-configuration-modifications

Here is a list of each element using the base-configuration-modifications structure, each with its required or particular top-level elements (the always-available but optional configuration and modification elements are not shown):

  • instrumentation

        base: <instrumentation_base file>
        serial_number: <str>             # shortcut
        datalogger_configuration: <str>  # shortcut
        channel-modifications: <element>
  • instrument_component (datalogger, sensor, or preamplifier)

        base: <instrument_component_base file>
        serial_number: <str>            # shortcut
        response-modifications: <element>
  • stage

        base: <stage_base file>
  • locations

            base: <location_base file>
            position: {lat: <float>, lon: <float>, elev: <float>} # <non-base>
  • clock_correction_linear`

        base: <timing_base file>
        start_sync_reference: <ISOtime string>     # <non-base>
        end_sync_reference: <ISOtime string>       # <non-base>
        end_sync_instrument: <ISOtime string>      # <non-base>

Multi-level, multi-stage elements

Level-based priority

The instrumentation element has instrument_components as sub-elements, which themselves have stages as sub-elements. Elements specified at a higher level override those at a lower level (instrumentation > instrument_components > stage). A higher-level configuration will not override lower-level modifications, so be sparing in the use of modifications at the instrument_components and stage levels. A higher-level base will cancel all lower-level configuration and modifications, as those were set for another base


The element channel_modifications is used to select a channel or channels upon which to apply modificiations.

Specifying the channel to change

Channel identification is performed by an orientation-location code of the form:

"<orientation code>-<location code>"

For example,


The orientation codes are defined as in the FDSN standard. If the location code is omitted, a location code of “00” is assumed. You can select all channels using “*” (although you could simply use modifications for this):



* or *-*

All channels


All orientations with location “00”


Channel with orientation code H and all locations


Channel with orientation code H and location “00”


Channel with orientation code 1 and location “01”

Orientation-location codes have priorities. The more specific code takes precedence over the less specific code, and the orientation code specification takes precedence over the location code specification. For example, if *-* and 1-01 are specified, 1-01 takes precedence for channels with orientation code 1 and location code 01. And if *-00 and H-* are specified, H-* takes precedence for channels with orientation code H.

Specifying an element to change

The elements under a given orientation-location code can be:

  • datalogger

  • sensor

  • preamplifier

  • orientation

The first three allow you to change elements of one of these instrument components, and/or the entire instrument component, while orientation lets you change the orientation.

The first three can be filled with any valid entities of their parent entity, plus any of following keywords:

  • base: replaces the instrument component before applying the other entities.

  • configuration: applies the configuration specified in the instrument component’s configurations field

  • modifications, within which you can speficy a change to any subelement

  • serial_number, a shortcut for {modifications: equipment: {serial_number: }}}.

  • stage_modifications, which allow you to change parameters in individual stages

For example, if you want to specify the sensor’s serial number you could enter:

        equipment: {serial_number: 'A1542'}


    serial_number: 'A1542'

If you do both, the shortcut will overwrite the long version and you should get a warning.

If you want to change the type of sensor, specify its serial number and use a custom configuration, you could enter:

    base: {$ref: 'sensors/T240.nanometrics.sensor.yaml#sensor'}
    configuration: "SINGLE-SIDED"
    serial_number: '235'


Since stages have no name, they are referenced by their number, which specifies the order of the stage (starting at 1) within a given instrument component (sensor, preamplifier` or datalogger). Modifications to stages are specified using the keyword stage_modifications.

If we want to change the gain the third stage of the sensor, the hierarchy would look like this:

              "2": {gain: {value: 17}}

If we wanted to replace all of the response stages, the file would look like this:

               - $ref: "responses/CS5321_FIR1.stage.yaml#stage"
               - $ref: "responses/CS5322_FIR2.stage.yaml#stage"
               - $ref: "responses/CS5322_FIR2.stage.yaml#stage"
               - $ref: "responses/CS5322_FIR3.stage.yaml#stage"

Response modifications are very flexible. The label can be any of several regular expressions. Either a single number, as above, a list, a range or the wildcard “*”. Again, you could just use modifications instead of stage_modifications:"*", although the stage_modifications version is higher priority.

Stage Number



All stages


Stages 1 and 3


Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4