
Several elements in information files are expressed using “base-configuration-modification”. This allows easy specifiation or modification of values with minimum repetition.

The base and configurations are defined in an element named <field>:base and are implemented and modified in an element just above named <field>, where field could be instrumentation, location, sensor, datalogger, preamplifier or stage. For example:

        equipment: ...
        stages: ...
        sample_rate: 125
        correction: 0.232
        configuration_default: "125sps"
                configuration_description: "62.5 sps"
                sample_rate: 62.5
                correction: 0.464
                stages: ...
                configuration_description: "125 sps"
                configuration_description: "250 sps"
                sample_rate: 250
                correction: 0.116
                stages: ...
    configuration: "250sps"
        correction: 1.0
            serial_number: "F05"

If the datalogger base were specified and no configuration was specified, then the “125sps” configuration would be used. The configuration_description is appended to the equipment description.

In this example the “250sps” configuration is specified, so the values in the “250sps” configuration will replace the values with the same names in the base definition.

The modifications field allows one to further modify the values. The values specified in modifications overwrite corresponding values in both the base and the configuration.

If no configuration_default is specified and configurations is specified, the level above MUST specify the configuration. This will not be caught by obsinfo-validate: only by obsinfo_print or obsinfo_makeStationXML.

The base element must include all required fields for the element (needed for obsinfo-validate). In our example, since this base configuration specifies the values corresponding to a 125 sps sampling rate, the “125sps” configuration is nearly empty.

configurations are optional, so if you only have one configuration you don’t have to add additional elements. Some elements (such as timing_bases) may nneed a configuration but the base-configuration-modification system provides a consistent interface that allows us to easily add in information, in this case sync times.

In almost all cases, the element definition should be in a separate file: for example the datalogger definition file would contain:

    equipment: ...
    stages: ...
    sample_rate: 125
    correction: 0.232
    configuration_default: "125sps"
            configuration_description: "62.5 sps"
            sample_rate: 62.5
            correction: 0.464
            stages: ...
            configuration_description: "125 sps"
            configuration_description: "250 sps"
            sample_rate: 250
            correction: 0.116
            stages: ...

and the call to it would look like:

    base: {$ref: 'dataloggers/LC2000.datalogger_base.yaml#datalogger_base'}
    configuration: "250sps"
        correction: 1.0
            serial_number: "F05"


Shortcuts allow you to quickly enter common modifications. For example, the datalogger element has a shortcut called serial_number that duplicates datalogger: {equipment: {serial_number:}}, allowing you to write the above code as:

    base: {$ref: 'dataloggers/LC2000.datalogger_base.yaml#datalogger_base'}
    configuration: "250sps"
    serial_number: "F05"
        correction: 1.0

Shortcuts override equivalent entries at the modifications level. They are:



instrumentation: {datalogger_configuration:}

instrumentation: {channel_modifications: {'*-*': {datalogger: {configuration:}}}}

instrumentation: {serial_number:}

instrumentation: {modifications: {equipment: {serial_number:}}}

datalogger: {serial_number:}

datalogger: {modifications: {equipment: {serial_number:}}}

sensor: {serial_number:}

sensor: {modifications: {equipment: {serial_number:}}}

preamplifier: {serial_number:}

preamplifier: {modifications: {equipment: {serial_number:}}}

Non-base elements

Non-base elements are not specified in the base element, because they are expected to be different for each deployment. They are:


position: {lat: <number>, lon: <number>, elev: <number>}


start_sync_reference: <date-time>
end_sync_reference: <date-time>
end_sync_instrument: <date-time>

Specific modifications

Specific modifications apply only to certain channels or even certain stages of a given channel. They are specified using the channel_modifications and stage_modifications elements at the instrumentation, datalogger, sensor or preamplifier level. Details are provided in Channel modifications and in stage_modifications.